Doing A Justice to Your Mobile Strategy with Xamarin

4 min readJun 5, 2021

While there are numerous ways of building your mobile applications, let’s have a look at what’s in the store for developers if they pick the Xamarin technology stack.

Even after years of mobile development, developers still vigorously debate the decision of technology stack. Maybe there is definitely no silver projectile, and mobile app development strategy depends on the application, engineer ability, codebase maintenance, and many different elements. If developers need to use .NET, Xamarin has basically democratized cross-platform mobile development with vast polished tools and service integration. For what reason would we say we are then re-thinking ourselves?

Let us take a deeper look at the Xamarin technology stack

What Is Xamarin?

  • You cannot ignore Xamarin when you are discussing the primary approaches to mobile app development. Xamarin is a software business that developed Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) solutions before being purchased by Microsoft in 2016.
  • Xamarin is a tool mainly used for cross-platform mobile application development that permits developers to share up to 90% of the code across many significant platforms.
  • Technically speaking, Xamarin works by using C# and native libraries enclosed by the .Net layer for cross-platform application improvement. Such applications are frequently contrasted with native for iOS and Android mobile development platforms as far as execution and client experience. Also, Xamarin can use all native and the most recent API admittance to using hidden platform capabilities in Xamarin applications like ARKit on iOS or Android Multi-Window.

Advantages of Xamarin App Development for Business:

1. Native User Experience

With the usage of Xamarin.forms, Xamarin application development results in the construction of apps that provide a native or near-native experience. The frameworks have access to the native APIs that are now utilised for platforms such as Android and iOS for some platform-specific components contained in C# and Visual Studio. Furthermore, Xamarin. Forms allow the building of user-friendly UIs for platforms such as iOS, Windows, and Android.

2. Automates and Simplifies App Testing

The Xamarin Test Cloud makes it exceptionally easy to test an application on many iOS and Android gadgets in the cloud. In Xamarin 4, the Xamarin Test Recorder further works on mobile UI testing. It records client interactions on Android or iOS applications, runs them, and auto-makes test scripts. These can be deployed and run immediately in Xamarin Test Cloud or sent to mobile test projects in Visual or Xamarin Studio. The test recorder likewise stores activities in the C#-based UI Test system so they can be consequently executed during integration or in the cloud.

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3. Open-Source and Microsoft Support

Because frameworks enable code reuse, the application developed using Xamarin. Forms are quite simple to maintain. When modifications are made to the source code in response to an issue, the effects can be noticed on other parts as well, saving time and money. Aside from that, the vast community is always ready to help with difficulties as they arise, while also offering sufficient documentation and training.

4. Easy Maintenance

As an open-source framework, Xamarin is always evolving. Aside from that, the framework is supported by the world’s most powerful company, Microsoft, making it very scalable, reliable, and strong.

Disadvantages of Xamarin App Development for Business:

1. Inevitable software overheads

Although Xamarin mobile app development reduces time by producing a single programme for multiple platforms, it still requires code linking and references across target OS environments of multiple devices in use and. Frameworks for the internet. This suggests that such attempts might lengthen the time it takes to launch and download the programme.

2. Time-consuming nature of UI Development

When it comes to UI development on the Xamarin platform, time is of the essence once again. Although Xamarin allows for maximal code reuse across target device platforms, creating a portable version of core UI is difficult. As a result, Xamarin app development specialists are forced to execute some code for separate platforms, which takes time.

3. Issues of App file size

While Xamarin is advantageous in many ways, it is also accused of consuming more time for the added task of modifying programme file size. This is mostly due to the excessive usage of Xamarin’s core libraries and capabilities, which burdens app stores with unreasonable app file size. In the shop, the size margin might range from 3MB to 15MB.

Amazing Alternatives to Xamarin

  • React Native
  • Ionic
  • Flutter
  • NativeScript
  • PhoneGap
  • Swift
  • Android Studio
  • Appcelerator


In a complex and quickly advancing mobile phone market, using Xamarin.Forms for mobile app development makes it conceivable to make, test and screen applications that can chip away at shared code and a reusable design. This automation in app development not only ups business application quality but also helps organizations rapidly producing more noteworthy business value from mobile applications.

Convinced about Xamarin? Get started today.




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